Develop A Clear Vision & Plan For Your Future 

Creating a vision for your business is the most effective strategies for achieving the business you desire. It is taking the first step toward your future business. 

Your vision is like a compass, leading you and your team to taking the best actions and making the right choices for your business. It is guide, providing direction whenever you get distracted by what you think you ‘should’ be doing.  

Great leaders all share the ability to have a clear and exciting vision. They also have the ability to communicate this vision and get others invested in what they can see for the future.  


In order to create a vision, you must ask yourself a few questions. The main question being, Where do you see your business in 3, 5 or 10 years’ time? 

Think about the purpose of the business. What is your why? What is it that drove you to create this business and what do you want to gain out of it. 

What are your business values? What are your principles? What standards do you expect of those involved in your business, including yourself? 

Work out the steps you will need to take to begin turning your vision into a reality. These can then become your smaller annual or quarterly goals.  

It can help to visualize your vision. You could even set up a vision board for your life and business and work out what you really want from both.  

Communicate and Motivate 

The sign of a great leader is not only that they can create a vision, but they can communicate this vision. Your team need to know what your vision is and they need to be on board. Your vision can be a great motivator for your team. They will start to see the vision as their own and it will guide them to make the right decisions for your business.

With your team having such a clear idea on your vision and being emotionally invested in that vision, they will continue to give their best to you and your customers. Your vision is not about the numbers or how much money you want to make, but an idea that invokes emotion and plays into your values and mission.  

Keep Calm 

Leaders need to be able to maintain a level head. You need to maintain your vision, even when times are tough. Practice patience and self-control so you can function well under pressure. Your character will shine through in these moments of crisis and your team will be looking to you for guidance. If you are reacting out of fear, your team will observe this and react the same. If you are calm and respond with clarity, focusing on solutions, your team will too.  

Having a clear vision and plan for the future allows you to notice opportunity. You become more aware of what needs to happen to make your vision come true. If you can’t imagine the future, you can’t create it. But if you can imagine the future that you want for your business and you can communicate this to your team, motivating them and keeping calm, your dream business will become your reality. 


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